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Volunteering in the EU

PODGORICA, 23 March 2017 – The EU Info Centre, in cooperation with ADP Zid, presented to graduates of “Slobodan Škerović” Gymnasium the possibilities for studying and volunteering in the countries of the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme and its segment, the European Voluntary Service (EVS).

The Erasmus+ programme allows students to study and to receive scholarships for one to two semesters at universities in Europe, while the EVS offers volunteer programmes lasting 2–12 months in EU countries, as an opportunity for young people to acquire new knowledge and skills.

High school students learnt about the first-hand experiences of a former Erasmus student, Nuria Ballesteros Menendez, who is now employed at the EU Delegation to Montenegro, and Mirela Kalamperovic from ADP Zid, who was a beneficiary of the EVS programme.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus+ programme, one of the oldest and most successful EU programmes. Erasmus+ has produced many success stories: whether they involve people improving their chances of finding a job, developing fresh perspectives on sustainable development, learning a new language, gaining a clearer idea of European citizenship or finding a new passion for volunteering, in the last 30 years of its existence, the Erasmus + programme has enriched the lives of many individuals and has for many young people been a vital turning point.

Through the Erasmus+ programme, whose budget amounts to €14.7 billion, the EU will enable study visits, training, experience acquisition and volunteering abroad for more than 4 million Europeans.

More information on the EVS programme can be found at, and for more detailed information on Erasmus+ programme, you can contact the National Erasmus + Office in Montenegro.