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Third MED call presented

Podgorica, 14 November 2018 – Potential beneficiaries of the 2014-2020 Mediterranean Transnational Programme (MED) will have €32 million available under this programme’s third call, of which about €2 million is allocated to IPA beneficiary countries. The Office for European Integration presented the possibilities of the third call for the 2014-2020 Mediterranean Transnational Programme (MED) in the EU Info Centre.

The Head of the Department for European Territorial Cooperation, Miodrag Raceta, recalled that the EU is leading a cohesion policy to reduce the existing differences between European regions by investing in their economic and social development and environmental sustainability, and taking into account the specificities and conditions of the individual territories.

He added that one of the instruments for implementation of this policy is the MED programme, which supports the transnational cooperation of its country partners from the EU region and the beneficiary countries, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the Mediterranean area.

Ana Savjak, from the Office for European Integration, highlighted the general characteristics of the programme and emphasized that the third call is open until 31 January 2019. She pointed out that the total value of the call is €32 million, with the beneficiary countries having around €2 million at their disposal.

The national MED contact person, Borka Ljeskovic, presented the terms and conditions of the third call and summarized the administrative issues relevant to the applicants, highlighting the support provided by the project Knowledge Economy Indicators (KEI) to the potential beneficiaries of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme in the process of drafting and submitting project proposals, as well as during the implementation of the projects.