For the Šahović family, the butcher’s craft isn’t just a family tradition, but also a symbol of progress and success. Samir Šahović, the owner of the abattoir and butcher shop “Šahović,” hasn’t only followed in the footsteps of his ancestors—he has transformed his business utilising the support of the European Union through the IPARD programme.

From humble beginnings within the family home, Šahović has written the first pages of his success story.
“I came up with the idea to buy a calf, process it, and sell it to earn a wage,” recalls Šahović.
“After that, I bought more and very quickly opened the first butcher’s shop, and that’s where my story begins,” he adds.
Thanks to the support of the European Union through the IPARD programme, Šahović realised his dream.
“If it weren’t for IPARD, I wouldn’t have even considered building this factory. IPARD lifted me up and provided significant support worth €680,000, which was a significant boost that enabled the realisation of this project,” he explains.
As Šahović emphasises, the support of the European Union is not just financial. The EU brings standards, precision, and motivation for further progress.
Through the IPARD programme, the Šahovićs have been provided with machines, materials for building the facility, and solar systems.
Today’s modern meat processing factory has the capacity to produce six tons of meat per day.
New projects are currently being planned, as well as new applications for the IPARD programme.
“One day, both you and the company will benefit. IPARD introduces you to many things and to precision, forcing you to implement standards. Afterwards, you will be very satisfied when everything becomes crystal clear and beautiful,” he concludes.
The story of the Šahović family is not just a story of business success, but also of support and trust. It is precisely the support of the European Union that enables the transformation of local businesses and opens the way towards European standards and practices.