“Look at the gallery of my works, it’s me,” this is how our conversation with photographer Balša Rakočević begins.
Television worker in the photography services. Talented, responsible, and punctual. A good colleague and friend. Always up for a joke.
At the age of nineteen, Balša started working as a cameraman, and simultaneously enrolled at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts and applied for a photography course. Somehow, all those artistic pieces came together and his journey began, which continues to this day.
“It was not easy to get digital photo equipment some 18 years ago, just as it is not now, either because of the high price or because of the offer. That’s why, together with a couple of colleagues, enthusiasts, I spent two or three years theoretically learning everything about photography, we analysed every work of the world’s great photographers, until we were financially ready to buy our own cameras,” recalls Balša.
His biggest support are his family and friends.
“My mother, who offered a positive opinion to every thought of taking out a loan and buying photo equipment. My wife, who, as someone from the technical profession, created a website in order to present me and my works online until the moment when social networks took over the presentation of everything. My friends, who always encourage me with their reaction to some of the new photos,” said Balša.
He is most proud of a few photographs, which he believes will outlast time. He is also proud when, in a small way, he gets someone interested in photography.
As he said, it is not important to have the most expensive and most modern technique, it is important to master the rules and to approach photography, whenever possible, from the aspect of art.
It is his way to tell a story through photography and to make it memorable.
We bring his true stories behind the lens.

Name: Rain as salvation
Podgorica, 2012
The photo was taken after the big fire that hit the Roma settlement in Konik, a suburb of Podgorica. The fire was extinguished, and the rain came as a rescue. The girls, through their age and the colors of their clothes, represent hope for something new, for the future ahead of them.
The photo “Rain as salvation” won the audience award at the Beta Agency competition.
Name: Smile
Podgorica, 2009
The photo of two friends with a smile, from an unusual perspective – the bottom angle, shows that even in some difficult periods we must preserve cheerfulness, optimism, and love.
Name: Imprint
Podgorica, Vrela Ribnička
This was created in a Roma settlement. It attracted attention as the most beautiful work of abstract art, due to the child’s creative expression for standing boldly on a tin façade.
Name: The Future
Konik, 2017
The photo was taken as part of the RHP project to solve the housing issue of refugees and displaced people from the region, which is supported by the international community, with the European Union being the largest donor. We see a man looking at a more beautiful space for a life worthy of a human.
Name: Girl in Red
Podgorica, 2009
Recorded at the location of a Roma settlement, during a break in a cheerful child’s game in very cold weather.
Name: Carousel
Konik Podgorica, 2017
The photo was taken after the rain slightly “spoiled” the play environment in the new residential complex.
Title: Together We Are Stronger
Podgorica, 2019
Photo from the event of allocating apartments and planting trees to beautify the residential complex. Children satisfied with the action and the new look of their playing area.
Name: Morning
Konik, Podgorica in 2017
The frame of the old settlement and former living conditions
Name: Games without borders
Podgorica, 2022
Children’s games on the occasion of Roma Day. Inclusion and team struggle for better acquaintance and mutual communication and socialising.
Name: Rappers
Berane, 2021
Music against prejudice. Berane rapper group Gianni x Eni, Erđan Beriša, and Enis Zumberi with the song “Who are you to judge me?”.
Name: Game
Podgorica, 2011
Children play in a Roma settlement.
The photo exhibition “Do you see me, man?” will be held at Europe House on 6 April at 19:00 CET on the occasion of celebrating International Roma Day.