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Our little scenographers

While awaiting Europe House’s second birthday and the Super Stella comic sequel, the children of Podgorica and members of Moj Imaginarijum have become true little scenographers.

During the art workshop held at Europe House, led by artist Iva Ivanović, the children painted motifs by which the member states of the European Union are known for.

“Today’s theme included symbols and landmarks the European Union’s member states. Each country has its own trademark, some symbol by which it is known for,” said Ivanović.

A ballerina, Charles Bridge, and Hungarian cake…

“The motifs we drew today were taken from the comic Super Stella Discovers the EU,” said Ivanović.

The best drawings, as Ivanović points out, will be used as scenery and props for the Super Stella theatrical play, through which Europe House will celebrate its second birthday.

Ivanović added that all drawings will be exhibited.

“The exhibition of all the drawings made by the children will be organised during the celebration of Europe House’s second birthday,” concluded Ivanović.

Milošević Novak drew a ballerina and Charles Bridge. His Hungarian cake was chosen to be featured in the theatrical play Super Stella.

Novak is a true little artist and scenographer.

Andrea Lubarda drew the Eiffel Tower. She said she had fun drawing, and that it was great to meet and play with the other children.

Super Stella Discovers the EU is the sequel of the Super Stella comic in which our heroine meets with the EU member states and discovers their beauty and the diversities that unite us.