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Montenegro gets more powerful in the fight against wrongdoing and fraud in the area of finance

After participating in the twinning light project “Strengthening the Capacity of the Department for Combating Irregularities and Fraud of the Ministry of Finance – AFCOS Office”, Montenegro has become stronger in tackling wrongdoing and fraud in the area of finance, and it will have a positive impact on the negotiation chapter 32 – Financial Control. This was a conclusion of the project closing conference held at the EU Info Centre in Podgorica.

This project was jointly implemented by the Montenegrin Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia, with a €200 000  worth financial support of the European Union.

The main objective of the project is efficient coordination of legislative, administrative and operational activities of Montenegrin institutions managing and using pre-accession EU funds, as well as institutions responsible for combating fraud, corruption and other types of wrongdoing in Montenegro.