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EU Commissioner Hahn to visit Montenegro

PODGORICA, 6 June 2016 – European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn will visit Montenegro on 9 June.

Commissioner Hahn will visit, together with Montenegro’s Minister of Economy Dragica Sekulic and Minister of European Affairs Aleksandar Andrija Pejovic, and project partners CGES and KfW, the construction site of the Lastva Sub-Station of the Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor. This is a milestone project of the Connectivity Agenda, which will contribute to the creation of the regional electricity market. The event is open to the media.

After the visit of the site, Commissioner Hahn will meet in Podgorica with Prime Minister of Montenegro Dusko Markovic and Speaker of the Parliament Ivan Brajovic.

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After the visit of the Lastva site, Commissioner Hahn, Minister Sekulic, Minister Pejovic, and representatives of CGES and KfW will give short statements for the press. After the statements, Commissioner Hahn and Minister Sekulic will be available for journalists’ questions. Interpretation will be provided.

Journalists and media crews are kindly invited to cover the event:

8.15-8.35 – Visit of the sub-station Lastva – media are invited to join the visit and record the inspection of the site.

8.35-9.15 – Short statements, followed by media questions and answers.

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You can find more information about the Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor (I): Grid Section in Montenegro here.