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From Erasmus to Erasmus+ – A Story of 30 Years

PODGORICA, 21 April 2017 – This year the European Union marks the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme, its oldest programme in the field of education. Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport for 2014–2020. The programme combines all the current European and international programmes and initiatives in the field of education, training, young people and sport. A ceremony marking three decades of Erasmus was held in the Rector’s Office of the University of Montenegro.

“Investment in education, training, and research is the best investment we can make for Europe’s future. Through its Erasmus programme, the EU offers excellent opportunities to study, train, work or volunteer across Europe to several million people, including many Montenegrins,” said the EU Ambassador to Montenegro, Aivo Orav.

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Erasmus+ is the successor programme to four EU programmes in which Montenegro participated in the period 2007–2013: Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, the Lifelong Learning Programme and the Youth in Action programme. Since its establishment, more than nine million people have participated in Erasmus. More than 4.4 million student exchanges have been organised and more.