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Educational opportunities in Slovenia

As a destination for academic education, Slovenia has attracted almost 200 young people to the premises of the EU Info Centre. Everyone wanted to know how they can acquire new knowledge under the Triglav programme. For those who choose to go abroad for their first academic steps, Slovenia may be the right answer.

At the University of Ljubljana, there are around 105 Montenegrin university graduates who have already started their studies. For those who choose the University Ljubljana, with over 37,000 young people, the door is wide open. The University is ranked in the top 3% of the world and promises the best European education from its 23 faculties and three academies of arts.

The presentation of Slovenian universities also served as a presentation for the European Union’s Erasmus + programme through which millions of young people are educated across Europe. That is why Slovenian universities are calling on Montenegrin high school students to be part of Europe’s future through the benefit of this community.

Thus, all those who opt to study in Slovenia are being awaited with open arms by 17 faculties at the University of Maribor. Knowledge of the Slovenian language is only required for some study programmes, while most of you are welcome in both your native tongue and in English. In Maribor, they are proud of the fact that the first Slovenian nanosatellite was designed and realised at one of their faculties. Many, they say, take extracurricular activities that are also valued in academic practices.

The University of Nova Gorica invites Montenegrin high school students to join a small university, but also one that is focused on research and practical knowledge. They are proud of their international composition because as many as half of Nova Gorica University students come from abroad.

The University of Primorska also introduced itself. Slovenia’s youngest state university was founded in 2003. This university is very active within the Erasmus + programme and students from most European countries can meet in Primorska.

It is important to note that students from Montenegro are exempted from paying tuition for state financed academic programmes. All of these universities also offer accommodation in student camps. It is easy to find a part-time source of income, considering that student organisations also offer occasional jobs. All in all, these opportunities should not to be missed.