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Call for proposals for implementation of the one-stop-shop youth employability model

Forum MNE opens the Call for Proposals for 6 grass-root CSOs in Montenegro active in youth development, (including training and mentoring), digital skills, entrepreneurship, career counselling, digital content development, mentorship or other related fields. The aim of the Call is to ensure implementation of the model using one-stop-shop methodology of youth employment for 50 NEET youth in Montenegro in line with created curricula. The one-stop-shop youth employability model services to be sub-granted are as follows:

  • A level digital skills course
  • B level digital skills course
  • Online courses for digital skills development- A and B level
  • Career counselling course- group A
  • Career counselling course- group B
  • Entrepreneurship course

The total amount available under this Call for Proposals is €50.000. The deadline for the submission of applications is 12 April 2021. All questions regarding the application process and procedures may be sent by e-mail to:  no later than March 30, 2021. Replies will be published at webpage. Proposals must be submitted in electronic version and in English language. Guidelines for applicants and application forms with developed curriculums are available HERE. In order to enable potential applicants to familiarize themselves with the guidelines and the Call, online info session will be held on Wednesday (March 31) at 12h via Zoom application. If you are interested to participate please register before Tuesday at 15h via following LINK. Questions and answers can be found HERE. Document will be regularly updated until April 1.

The Call is part of the regional project “My career from zero to hero- Strengthening networks of Western Balkan CSOs to implement one-stop-shop youth employability model for future jobs of 4.0. digital revolution”, implemented in Montenegro by Forum MNE in cooperation with the Centre for Youth Work (Serbia), CEM (BiH), TOKA (Kosovo) and YSC (Albania), with financial support from the European Union and the Ministry of Public Administration in Montenegro.

The action foresees the creation of the one-stop-shop innovative employability model (02hero) for NEET youth, providing them with skills required for future jobs of 4.0 digital revolution.