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A 3D printer provided by the European Union to produce medical protective equipment

We are witnessing that in times of a crisis creativity, innovation, and solidarity are rising. This confirms the cooperation of a dozen Montenegrin companies and institutions, which have partnered to assist healthcare professionals in the fight against COVID-19. At the initiative of the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Centre “Tehnopolis” from Niksic, and with the support of the Ministry of Science, companies and organisations that have 3D printers have partnered in the production of protective medical equipment. So far, they have produced over 550 protective visors, which they donated to the Crisis Medical Headquaters of Montenegro.

Among them was the 3D printer, which „Tehnopolis“ got through the FILA project – “Strengthening and Improving the Cross-Border Innovation Network through Fertilisation and Agri-Food Innovation Labs between Research and SMEs,” funded by the European Union through Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro.

“Social responsibility has motivated us to contribute to the development of protective equipment for medical personnel in the fight against COVID-19. For this purpose, we used our Ultimaker S5 printer, which we received as part of the FILA project, among the equipment that should be used for agricultural innovation,” explained Djordje Brkuljan, from „Tehnopolis.“

Cooperation with the embassies of the Member States

In addition to co-operation within the Montenegro, this informal cluster is also linked with colleagues from the European Union, assisted by member state embassies.

“I would particularly like to point out the Embassy of the Czech Republic, which helped us to get important information for the printing of protective material. They also linked us to a Czech technical university, which developed some protective equipment items, such as protective masks. We are also discussing with them how to apply for a scientific research project dedicated to the development of 3D printing in the fight against COVID-19. Through communication with the Czech Embassy, ​​we also directly contacted the company that produces 3D filaments for 3D printing. In addition, we have also communicated with the Hungarian and Austrian Embassies, and we have opened certain topics, so I hope that this cooperation will be successful in the coming period,” says Velibor Boskovic, the Executive Director of the Science and Technology Park of Montenegro.

The cooperation is also active at the regional level. The organisation “Visionaries of Serbia” will give Montenegrian colleagues the needed materials and the already-printed models of frames for visors.