Recovery through Solidarity: Citizens Take the Lead

Civil society organizations (CSOs) are drivers of change in every society. They have a very important role in promoting and protecting the rule of law, democracy and human rights. They also represent the voice of different communities, including vulnerable groups and youth, and fight for their rights. With this project, civil society organisations in Montenegro […]

De facto development: Support to CSOs growth and development

Civil society organisations (CSOs) are key actors in voicing citizens’ attitudes and needs and encouraging active citizenship. They need both financial and non-financial support to continue to grow and make a contribution to building and fostering a democratic society. This project aimed to build the capacities of CSOs to be professional, effective, accountable, sustainable and […]

Coalition against peer violence in Montenegro

Peer violence is a global problem, which seriously affects young people’s health and education. This project looked to develop the capacities of civil society organisations (CSOs) and the overall community response in providing safeguard mechanisms to primary and secondary pupils in Montenegro. During the implementation period, the project activities helped improve the legal framework on […]

EU Resource Centre for civil society organisations in Montenegro

Strong and empowered civil society organizations (CSOs) are essential for creating a sustainable society. This project aims to support CSOs to contribute actively to the development of participatory democracy in Montenegro. Specifically, the project seeks to improve the capacities of CSOs to be effective and responsible independent actors and to contribute to an environment that […]

No impunity for the past!

Dealing with the past is a long and painful, but a very much needed process. It is the only way for a post-conflict society to move from a divided past to a shared future and achieve lasting stability. This project helped raise public awareness about the war crimes committed in the territory of Montenegro during […]

PRIDE everywhere – A strategic approach to human rights of LGBTI persons in Montenegro

Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity has no place in modern society. Everyone should enjoy the same rights. This project focused on the human rights of LGBTI people. More specifically, it aimed to strengthen the capacities of civil society, local communities and public institutions in terms of supporting the process of […]

My lawyer – free and professional legal aid for an effective access to rights for migrants

Since autumn 2017, Montenegro has been increasingly affected by migratory movements along the so-called “coastal route” (Albania-Montenegro-Bosnia and Herzegovina). Although most migrants only transit through the country, a certain number of them decide to stay and seek asylum. In addition to migrants from third countries, Montenegro also faces the challenge of reintegrating a large number […]

Voice Your Rights! – Expanding space for free assemblies

Freedom of peaceful assembly is an individual right that is always expressed in a collective manner. The Law on Public Assemblies, adopted in 2016, introduced improvements in respect of freedom of assembly in Montenegro. However, both police officers and protest organisers, as well as society in general, are still not properly informed about the new […]

Civil society in action promoting and protecting Roma and Egyptian rights in Montenegro

In order to contribute to the promotion and protection of Roma and Egyptian (RE) rights at the local level in Montenegro, this project fosters active civil society participation through a comprehensive approach, which includes: capacity building for civil society organisations, organisational development and operation, project management cycle, human rights monitoring and advocacy, as well as […]

Money Watch: Civil society guarding the budget

Despite their specific thematic scope and area of operation, civil society organisations (CSOs) have an overriding need to perform budgetary analysis and effective scrutiny of public expenditure in order to better understand the state of play in their field of interest. This project aimed to contribute to fight against corruption by enabling more effective scrutiny […]